I have always been inspired by people, especially really busy people, who manage to consistently set some time aside for rest and rejuvenation. Last night, I met two very busy people, who managed to set aside a whole day just to do things that they truly enjoyed. I loved the way they described their decision as "a way to recognize that our worth is not determined by our work." I hope that when I enter my graduate program I can carry a similar attitude with me.
Since I am blessed with more free time this year, I have been able to consistently rest on Sundays, but today I felt especially eager to really enjoy the day. So I baked some bread, made two delicious meals, cooked a pumpkin and roasted its seeds, took a walk, and had dinner with my grandmother.
Teach me, O Lord, your way that I may walk in your truth;
direct my heart that it may fear your name.
Psalm 86:11