Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Six is a good age to be

I love first graders...because they are still innocent, they still think learning is cool, and they will happily sing a new song about God and when the time comes they will clap with all their might and shout Amen (clap clap) Amen!

Today was Valentine's craft day in Religious Education so we wrote a Valentine to God. The best part of the day was when one six year old raised her hand and asked if God had heard our Valentine to Him. When I said yes her eyes got really wide and a big smile spread over her face. If I teach these children one thing I want them to know that God always loves them and He always listens to their prayers. No matter where they are. I think that sunk in today, at least with one student.

There is a special place in my heart for those first graders who just can not seem to focus on the lesson, who add to the spice of our class by intermittently interjecting things like "I once made a Valentine for a girl, actually it was yesterday, was because she was going somewhere...where was it, where was it? (muttering to himself)...oh yeah it was close to Illinois. A few minutes later he exclaimed "CANADA......SHE WAS GOING TO CANADA!" Life would be so boring without these sweet wonderful kids!

I pray that as my little first graders continue their educational journey they always cling to the excitement, joy, curiosity, and love that shines so clearly through their hearts. May they continue to write Valentine's to God long after February 14. May they come to know the God that loves them deeply and calls to them "Come, follow me."

"Truly, I say to you, unless you turn and become like children you will never enter the kingdom of heaven." Matthew 18:3

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Contra Dancing

I love contra dancing and am thrilled that it exists outside of rural Minnesota. Here is a video and picture from two different contra dances that I have been too. It is so fun and everyone can do it, previous dancing skills are not required!

Tuesday, February 2, 2010


I am definitely a morning person. Everything seems so much better when you have the whole day in front of you, especially if it is accompanied by a hot cup of coffee or tea. I also love mornings because of breakfast, the greatest meal of the day! Filled with fruit, grains, nuts, and of course one of my favorite foods in the whole world muffins, there is nothing like a sweet wholesome breakfast to get your day going.

As much as I love my sweet breakfasts, I am sometimes in the mood for something more savory. I have never been a huge egg person but the recipe below (which I made up one morning) is really good...and contains whole grains, vegetables and protein.

An Unusual Breakfast Sandwich
1 bunch of collard greens (or turnip greens, chard, mustard greens, or kale*)
2 cloves of freshly pressed garlic
fresh grated ginger** (as much as you want, I think I use about 1/2 T)
olive oil
balsamic vinegar
small green bell pepper (optional)
sun dried tomatoes

1. Heat olive oil in pan. Add ginger, garlic, pepper, and greens and cook for a couple of minutes on medium high until they start to wilt. Add some water and continue to cook the greens until they turn a bright green and start to soften (you can cook longer if you want them to wilt more, I prefer them less wilted). Add balsamic vinegar (I use about two T. but I like a lot of vinegar) and sun dried tomatoes (4-5) and a little more olive oil (1 t) and cook for a bit longer. Remove from heat when they seem to be dark green but not yet completely wilted. Put greens on a plate.
2. In the same pan melt one pat of butter. Crack an egg into the pan and fry the egg.
3. Meanwhile toast some rye bread (whole wheat works too but rye is really good). Drizzle toast lightly with balsamic vinegar.
4. Assemble sandwich: Toast, egg, and greens.

Using a bunch of greens will give you enough for two-three sandwich's depending on your consumption of the greens so fry as many eggs as necessary. I eat this breakfast as an open-faced sandwich but you could definitely add another piece of toast if you like.
*Kale- needs longer to cook and is a little tougher, I prefer collard greens or chard with this sandwich

**If you buy a fresh ginger root (so good!) you should store it in the freezer. It will last a lot longer and then you can have fresh ginger whenever. Just thaw a little before you use!

One final comment- if this does not sound like an appetizing breakfast try it as a fun (but super easy and cheap) dinner. Broil some french bread drizzled with olive oil and then drizzle on the balsamic vinegar and add the egg and greens.