Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Six is a good age to be

I love first graders...because they are still innocent, they still think learning is cool, and they will happily sing a new song about God and when the time comes they will clap with all their might and shout Amen (clap clap) Amen!

Today was Valentine's craft day in Religious Education so we wrote a Valentine to God. The best part of the day was when one six year old raised her hand and asked if God had heard our Valentine to Him. When I said yes her eyes got really wide and a big smile spread over her face. If I teach these children one thing I want them to know that God always loves them and He always listens to their prayers. No matter where they are. I think that sunk in today, at least with one student.

There is a special place in my heart for those first graders who just can not seem to focus on the lesson, who add to the spice of our class by intermittently interjecting things like "I once made a Valentine for a girl, actually it was yesterday, was because she was going somewhere...where was it, where was it? (muttering to himself)...oh yeah it was close to Illinois. A few minutes later he exclaimed "CANADA......SHE WAS GOING TO CANADA!" Life would be so boring without these sweet wonderful kids!

I pray that as my little first graders continue their educational journey they always cling to the excitement, joy, curiosity, and love that shines so clearly through their hearts. May they continue to write Valentine's to God long after February 14. May they come to know the God that loves them deeply and calls to them "Come, follow me."

"Truly, I say to you, unless you turn and become like children you will never enter the kingdom of heaven." Matthew 18:3

1 comment:

  1. KAAAAATE!!!! This is the first time that I have looked at your blog, and boy did God work this one perfectly. The quote you wrote at the top is EXACTLY what I need to remind myself of. right. now. Oh, and I just love, love, love your blog. I can't wait to keep reading it. It's so pure. So beautiful. So refreshing. So Kate. I miss you!
